
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Missing in Action

Just a "Hi" to my faithful legion of followers and an update to let them know I haven't vanished completely - perhaps a more appropriate title would be "Mission Inaction"!

With sales of my paintings and prints non-existent so far in my revitalised artistic career, I grabbed the opportunity with both hands when a juicy computing project came my way recently. The downside is that it's meant putting aside my paintbrushes and dusting off the long-forgotten, logical and somewhat nerdy hemisphere of my brain reserved for such mundane things.

The income has been welcome even if it's been short-lived, but with the bulk of the work completed now, I'm in a position to think about my neglected paintings and how I might rekindle the spark of enthusiasm where my current egret painting is concerned. With only a few leaves and feathers left to complete, the logical part of my brain - which is currently very active - tells me it should be relatively easy to accomplish. The idle artistic side is rousing itself in protest however - perhaps it's enjoyed the time off and wants me to extend its vacation.

Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible!



Sally McLean said...

Looking forward to the resumption of your fabulous art work. Happy New Year

Peter Brown said...

Thanks Sally - same to you. It sure is hard to regain momentum after a break. A sale or two would help!

Hey, your "don't mess with me" cats are great. I wouldn't like to meet Mr Sheffield in a dark alley! I hope Blogger lets me leave comments on your blog this year.

DennyHollandStudio said...

Awesome, can't wait to see more work. Ebb and flow, work and paint, all part of the natural cycle of being an artist, right? sometimes I wish the world would revere us and pay us like they do celebrities, then we can make art all day!

Keep rocking, brother.

Peter Brown said...

Denny, I'm done rocking. A soft shoe shuffle might be more manageable. You could have said "hang loose", which I have to say gets easier and easier, as I'm reminded each morning when I look in the mirror.

April Jarocka said...

Hi Peter. Lovely to hear you haven't fallen off the planet! Your Painting in the photo above looks wonderful. I had no idea it was so big!
Sometimes we need to put down the paintbrushes and take stock. I's easy to feel annoyed when things don't go to plan...boy, I've had at least 6 months of that happening to me. I agree with Denny...that artists should get way more money and credit than celebrities.
I am looking forward to your new stock of paintings when you get round to it..
All the best

Peter Brown said...

Good to hear from you April. And pleased to note that you've re-entered the workforce recently too!

April Jarocka said...

Only weekends at the moment. I always look forward to Mondays Peter because I get to indulge myself in my work at home. Bliss...

john said...

Peter, It is good to see a new blog post. Sorry to learn that your art sales are in a slump. So are mine, but that is the normal condition of things. You are so close to being finished with the Egret painting. Please do not rush it. Finish it when you feel some enthusiasm for doing it.

Amanda Russian said...

Heh Pete...I know exactly how you kids are back at school tomorrow..yippee! My 'artistic' side of my brain is pretty comatosed at the moment after having 6 weeks off, just don't want to think about painting.

Peter Brown said...

Thanks for the tips John. As for the "slump", I'm not sure it qualifies as one because my sales have never been anything other than non-existent!

Peter Brown said...

Amanda, I find that the old adage "use it or lose it" applies to painting skills too. If I'm away from it for any length of time I find it a real struggle to become enthused again. Too many competing interests I suspect!